Image Upload Info

If you have images on disk:

You may upload as many images as you like via our "PhotoManager" by logging in to the Talent Admin section of our Web site and choosing the "PhotoManager" link on the left side of the page. Our system will accept only JPEG images of size less than 150k.

If you have had a digital photoshoot and received a CD from the photographer, you should have a folder of low resolution images on the CD and can use them to upload. You may wish to contact your photographer to find out which images are "Lo Rez." (most photographers include a folder that says, 'emailable' or 'use for web' on your CD)

If you are uploading images from a CD, we recommend first copying them to your hard drive and renaming each image with your last name and a unique number like this: "Jones_Headshot_1.jpg"

We use low resolution images on the Web site so they will load quickly on client browsers and so they are not printable.

If you have images on disk but are not able to resize them for use on our system, you may wish to contact your photographer, or you may bring or mail a CD to Kinetic Talent. Our Web Developer will resize your images and post them the Web site for a nominal fee of $5 per image. Fill out our Image Placement Order Form and provide it with your CD to the Kinetic Media main office.

If you do not have images on disk:

If you have prints or slides of images you would like to use on our Web site, our Web Developer ( is offering a special price on scanning and uploading your images of $15 each. will scan your images, upload them to the Web site and also provide a high resolution copy to you for future printing and a low resolution copy for you to use in Emails and on other Web sites.

Please fill out our Image Scanning Order Form and bring it (or mail it), along with your images and a check for the full amount to Kinetic Talent main office.

Click Here For Our Image Scanning Order Form.











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We encourage our Artist and Gallery members to only upload original content to which they own or represent ownership in the copyright of that content.  Kinetic Media Engine LLC is the developer and provider of  the Spotlight Websites and The Kinetic Studio Suite.  We do our best to screen all content before it appears on the Website, however, we take no responsibility for the content itself. provides a portal and all content provided to the portal is the sole responsiblity of the portal member who manages the content for their account.  Should you, as a viewer, find any objectionable content or possible copyright infringement, please contact and we will do our best to resolve the situation.

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